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Fall 2016 Chats for Parents/Families

Sundays September 25th, October 30th, and December 4th

from 10:30am-12:00pm

at the Putney Public Library, Putney, VT

Free and open to the public. Coffee/tea and bagels.

RSVP for childcare for kids ages 3+.

Come join a conversation that is designed to connect us and grow us as parents and as people. The goal of these conversations is to contribute to successful communities by equipping parents with tools for engaging their children on social justice topics.

In the spring of 2016 we had 3 chats focused on racial justice. There were over 20 people who attended. Gabriel Erde-Cohen, whose kids are ages 4 and 8 and who attended all 3 sessions says… “Parenting for Social Justice is so close to my heart, and so challenging, and to find a community with similar parenting goals is both comforting and edifying. Angela has put together such a great warm space for talking, and also for action. We have found ourselves presenting new ideas to the broader community, becoming emboldened and empowered, and talking social justice within our family with fresh vigor. Highly recommended!”

The topics for the 3 chats this fall are: 1. Economic Justice 2. Gender Justice 3. Taking action as families

At each chat we will start by highlighting children’s books on the topic. Then, in small groups, parents will share their own daily life experiences with oppression and privilege and how they communicate with their children about it. We will practice conversations with our kids. Together we will come up with ideas for how to work as a family to bring about social justice in our communities.

Childcare is provided for kids ages 3 and up. Please RSVP to reserve a spot for your kids.

This project is a collaboration between The Putney Public Library and ACT for Social Justice. Chats are facilitated by Angela Berkfield of ACT for Social Justice. Childcare is provided by Putney School students. This project is made possible by a “Small and Inspiring” grant from the Vermont Community Foundation.

For more information or to RSVP email or call 802.254.3400

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