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In Community

Parenting 4 Social Justice (P4SJ) provides connection, inspiration, and resources for those looking to bring social justice into their families and their communities.


The book!

Parenting 4 Social Justice: Tips, Tools, and Inspiration for Conversations and Action with Kids offers caregivers support for kids 0–10 years old. Using plain language, the book discusses race, class, gender, disability, healing justice, and collective liberation, equipping readers to initiate age-appropriate and engaging conversations with kids about social justice issues. Included are ideas for taking action as a family—from making protest signs and attending a local march, to trying healing meditations and consciously connecting with people from different backgrounds. You'll also find resources for further learning and activities to engage in on your own or as part of a group. Purchase the book.


Podcasts more your speed? Parenting 4 Social Justice exists as an audio book (in podcast packaging) as well! Find it on Spotify. You’ll hear two of the book’s coauthors and four P4SJ supporters read the chapters—one per podcast episode—though note that certain parts aren’t read (mainly the exercises at the end of each chapter), so having a print book on hand is still a good idea.


P4SJ Community of Practice Guide

Designed to complement the Parenting 4 Social Justice book, our community of practice guide lays out a clear and flexible plan for going through the book with others—an approach that reflects the supportive and collaborative nature of the world we're working and living toward. 


Cross & Heart

P4SJ discussion guide for Christian parent groups 

Put together by lead author Angela Berkfield's dad, Rev. Dr. Frank Nelson​, to pair with the book, this guide supports Christian parents in exploring Parenting 4 Social Justice together as a group.  

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Family Solidarity Action Network

This is an action group that grew out of our P4SJ chats in Putney, Vermont, in 2016. Involved families are working together to bring social justice into their communities, schools, and around the nation and world. Sharing resources and ideas and plans for action through an FB group, involved parents have organized social gatherings to build stronger communities of practice. They have also worked to make social justice rallies and events more accessible to families. If you would like support in starting a group like this where you live, please email us at


Social justice books for kids

Check out our comprehensive list of books and other resources for children. 


Family resources

Dig into our curated resources for families looking to learn, grow, and center social justice in their lives.





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