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Parenting 4 Social Justice Events

We are committed to building thriving communities that actively dismantle white supremacy and systems of oppression at the foundation of the justice, healing, and liberation that is needed, is ours, and is happening. We believe the people and communities and systems can heal. We believe that the power to invest in this vision lies in our power to educate ourselves, listen to our intuitions, pay attention to what is happening in our bodies and to begin to notice the ways in which we carry, internalize, and project white-bodied supremacy culture, and all its harms. Doing the work of dismantling racism, fear, smallness, lack of power,  starts within. From this place we move into our authentic power as people, and we do that together, we are so interconnected. We support each other in our healing and in our liberation in ways we could not have previously imagined and we see our spirits, our bodies, and our lives begin to change in the most beautiful and life affirming ways. Join us for a powerful, affirming, and interconnected workshop or book talk experience.

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We welcome feedback and ideas for offerings!

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© 2022 by Parenting 4 Social Justice 

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